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Autobahn WebSocket Testsuite Report
Autobahn WebSocket

Summary report generated on 2024-05-17T17:56:00.342Z (UTC) by Autobahn WebSocket Testsuite v0.8.2/v0.10.9.

Pass Test case was executed and passed successfully.
Non-Strict Test case was executed and passed non-strictly. A non-strict behavior is one that does not adhere to a SHOULD-behavior as described in the protocol specification or a well-defined, canonical behavior that appears to be desirable but left open in the protocol specification. An implementation with non-strict behavior is still conformant to the protocol specification.
Fail Test case was executed and failed. An implementation which fails a test case - other than a performance/limits related one - is non-conforming to a MUST-behavior as described in the protocol specification.
Info Informational test case which detects certain implementation behavior left unspecified by the spec but nevertheless potentially interesting to implementors.
Missing Test case is missing, either because it was skipped via the test suite configuration or deactivated, i.e. because the implementation does not implement the tested feature or breaks during running the test case.
1 Framing ws@8.17.0
1.1 Text Messages
Case 1.1.1 Pass1000
Case 1.1.2 Pass1000
Case 1.1.3 Pass1000
Case 1.1.4 Pass1000
Case 1.1.5 Pass1000
Case 1.1.6 Pass1000
Case 1.1.7 Pass1000
Case 1.1.8 Pass1000
1 Framing ws@8.17.0
1.2 Binary Messages
Case 1.2.1 Pass1000
Case 1.2.2 Pass1000
Case 1.2.3 Pass1000
Case 1.2.4 Pass1000
Case 1.2.5 Pass1000
Case 1.2.6 Pass1000
Case 1.2.7 Pass1000
Case 1.2.8 Pass1000
2 Pings/Pongs ws@8.17.0
Case 2.1 Pass1000
Case 2.2 Pass1000
Case 2.3 Pass1000
Case 2.4 Pass1000
Case 2.5 Pass1002
Case 2.6 Pass1000
Case 2.7 Pass1000
Case 2.8 Pass1000
Case 2.9 Pass1000
Case 2.10 Pass1000
Case 2.11 Pass1000
3 Reserved Bits ws@8.17.0
Case 3.1 Pass1002
Case 3.2 Pass1002
Case 3.3 Pass1002
Case 3.4 Pass1002
Case 3.5 Pass1002
Case 3.6 Pass1002
Case 3.7 Pass1002
4 Opcodes ws@8.17.0
4.1 Non-control Opcodes
Case 4.1.1 Pass1002
Case 4.1.2 Pass1002
Case 4.1.3 Pass1002
Case 4.1.4 Pass1002
Case 4.1.5 Pass1002
4 Opcodes ws@8.17.0
4.2 Control Opcodes
Case 4.2.1 Pass1002
Case 4.2.2 Pass1002
Case 4.2.3 Pass1002
Case 4.2.4 Pass1002
Case 4.2.5 Pass1002
5 Fragmentation ws@8.17.0
Case 5.1 Pass1002
Case 5.2 Pass1002
Case 5.3 Pass1000
Case 5.4 Pass1000
Case 5.5 Pass1000
Case 5.6 Pass1000
Case 5.7 Pass1000
Case 5.8 Pass1000
Case 5.9 Pass1002
Case 5.10 Pass1002
Case 5.11 Pass1002
Case 5.12 Pass1002
Case 5.13 Pass1002
Case 5.14 Pass1002
Case 5.15 Pass1002
Case 5.16 Pass1002
Case 5.17 Pass1002
Case 5.18 Pass1002
Case 5.19 Pass1000
Case 5.20 Pass1000
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.1 Valid UTF-8 with zero payload fragments
Case 6.1.1 Pass1000
Case 6.1.2 Pass1000
Case 6.1.3 Pass1000
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.2 Valid UTF-8 unfragmented, fragmented on code-points and within code-points
Case 6.2.1 Pass1000
Case 6.2.2 Pass1000
Case 6.2.3 Pass1000
Case 6.2.4 Pass1000
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.3 Invalid UTF-8 differently fragmented
Case 6.3.1 Pass1007
Case 6.3.2 Pass1007
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.4 Fail-fast on invalid UTF-8
Case 6.4.1 Non-Strict1007
Case 6.4.2 Non-Strict1007
Case 6.4.3 Non-Strict1007
Case 6.4.4 Non-Strict1007
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.5 Some valid UTF-8 sequences
Case 6.5.1 Pass1000
Case 6.5.2 Pass1000
Case 6.5.3 Pass1000
Case 6.5.4 Pass1000
Case 6.5.5 Pass1000
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.6 All prefixes of a valid UTF-8 string that contains multi-byte code points
Case 6.6.1 Pass1007
Case 6.6.2 Pass1000
Case 6.6.3 Pass1007
Case 6.6.4 Pass1007
Case 6.6.5 Pass1000
Case 6.6.6 Pass1007
Case 6.6.7 Pass1000
Case 6.6.8 Pass1007
Case 6.6.9 Pass1000
Case 6.6.10 Pass1007
Case 6.6.11 Pass1000
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.7 First possible sequence of a certain length
Case 6.7.1 Pass1000
Case 6.7.2 Pass1000
Case 6.7.3 Pass1000
Case 6.7.4 Pass1000
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.8 First possible sequence length 5/6 (invalid codepoints)
Case 6.8.1 Pass1007
Case 6.8.2 Pass1007
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.9 Last possible sequence of a certain length
Case 6.9.1 Pass1000
Case 6.9.2 Pass1000
Case 6.9.3 Pass1000
Case 6.9.4 Pass1000
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.10 Last possible sequence length 4/5/6 (invalid codepoints)
Case 6.10.1 Pass1007
Case 6.10.2 Pass1007
Case 6.10.3 Pass1007
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.11 Other boundary conditions
Case 6.11.1 Pass1000
Case 6.11.2 Pass1000
Case 6.11.3 Pass1000
Case 6.11.4 Pass1000
Case 6.11.5 Pass1007
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.12 Unexpected continuation bytes
Case 6.12.1 Pass1007
Case 6.12.2 Pass1007
Case 6.12.3 Pass1007
Case 6.12.4 Pass1007
Case 6.12.5 Pass1007
Case 6.12.6 Pass1007
Case 6.12.7 Pass1007
Case 6.12.8 Pass1007
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.13 Lonely start characters
Case 6.13.1 Pass1007
Case 6.13.2 Pass1007
Case 6.13.3 Pass1007
Case 6.13.4 Pass1007
Case 6.13.5 Pass1007
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.14 Sequences with last continuation byte missing
Case 6.14.1 Pass1007
Case 6.14.2 Pass1007
Case 6.14.3 Pass1007
Case 6.14.4 Pass1007
Case 6.14.5 Pass1007
Case 6.14.6 Pass1007
Case 6.14.7 Pass1007
Case 6.14.8 Pass1007
Case 6.14.9 Pass1007
Case 6.14.10 Pass1007
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.15 Concatenation of incomplete sequences
Case 6.15.1 Pass1007
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.16 Impossible bytes
Case 6.16.1 Pass1007
Case 6.16.2 Pass1007
Case 6.16.3 Pass1007
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.17 Examples of an overlong ASCII character
Case 6.17.1 Pass1007
Case 6.17.2 Pass1007
Case 6.17.3 Pass1007
Case 6.17.4 Pass1007
Case 6.17.5 Pass1007
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.18 Maximum overlong sequences
Case 6.18.1 Pass1007
Case 6.18.2 Pass1007
Case 6.18.3 Pass1007
Case 6.18.4 Pass1007
Case 6.18.5 Pass1007
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.19 Overlong representation of the NUL character
Case 6.19.1 Pass1007
Case 6.19.2 Pass1007
Case 6.19.3 Pass1007
Case 6.19.4 Pass1007
Case 6.19.5 Pass1007
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.20 Single UTF-16 surrogates
Case 6.20.1 Pass1007
Case 6.20.2 Pass1007
Case 6.20.3 Pass1007
Case 6.20.4 Pass1007
Case 6.20.5 Pass1007
Case 6.20.6 Pass1007
Case 6.20.7 Pass1007
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.21 Paired UTF-16 surrogates
Case 6.21.1 Pass1007
Case 6.21.2 Pass1007
Case 6.21.3 Pass1007
Case 6.21.4 Pass1007
Case 6.21.5 Pass1007
Case 6.21.6 Pass1007
Case 6.21.7 Pass1007
Case 6.21.8 Pass1007
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.22 Non-character code points (valid UTF-8)
Case 6.22.1 Pass1000
Case 6.22.2 Pass1000
Case 6.22.3 Pass1000
Case 6.22.4 Pass1000
Case 6.22.5 Pass1000
Case 6.22.6 Pass1000
Case 6.22.7 Pass1000
Case 6.22.8 Pass1000
Case 6.22.9 Pass1000
Case 6.22.10 Pass1000
Case 6.22.11 Pass1000
Case 6.22.12 Pass1000
Case 6.22.13 Pass1000
Case 6.22.14 Pass1000
Case 6.22.15 Pass1000
Case 6.22.16 Pass1000
Case 6.22.17 Pass1000
Case 6.22.18 Pass1000
Case 6.22.19 Pass1000
Case 6.22.20 Pass1000
Case 6.22.21 Pass1000
Case 6.22.22 Pass1000
Case 6.22.23 Pass1000
Case 6.22.24 Pass1000
Case 6.22.25 Pass1000
Case 6.22.26 Pass1000
Case 6.22.27 Pass1000
Case 6.22.28 Pass1000
Case 6.22.29 Pass1000
Case 6.22.30 Pass1000
Case 6.22.31 Pass1000
Case 6.22.32 Pass1000
Case 6.22.33 Pass1000
Case 6.22.34 Pass1000
6 UTF-8 Handling ws@8.17.0
6.23 Unicode specials (i.e. replacement char)
Case 6.23.1 Pass1000
Case 6.23.2 Pass1000
Case 6.23.3 Pass1000
Case 6.23.4 Pass1000
Case 6.23.5 Pass1000
Case 6.23.6 Pass1000
Case 6.23.7 Pass1000
7 Close Handling ws@8.17.0
7.1 Basic close behavior (fuzzer initiated)
Case 7.1.1 Pass1000
Case 7.1.2 Pass1000
Case 7.1.3 Pass1000
Case 7.1.4 Pass1000
Case 7.1.5 Pass1000
Case 7.1.6 Info1000
7 Close Handling ws@8.17.0
7.3 Close frame structure: payload length (fuzzer initiated)
Case 7.3.1 PassNone
Case 7.3.2 Pass1002
Case 7.3.3 Pass1000
Case 7.3.4 Pass1000
Case 7.3.5 Pass1000
Case 7.3.6 Pass1002
7 Close Handling ws@8.17.0
7.5 Close frame structure: payload value (fuzzer initiated)
Case 7.5.1 Pass1007
7 Close Handling ws@8.17.0
7.7 Close frame structure: valid close codes (fuzzer initiated)
Case 7.7.1 Pass1000
Case 7.7.2 Pass1001
Case 7.7.3 Pass1002
Case 7.7.4 Pass1003
Case 7.7.5 Pass1007
Case 7.7.6 Pass1008
Case 7.7.7 Pass1009
Case 7.7.8 Pass1010
Case 7.7.9 Pass1011
Case 7.7.10 Pass3000
Case 7.7.11 Pass3999
Case 7.7.12 Pass4000
Case 7.7.13 Pass4999
7 Close Handling ws@8.17.0
7.9 Close frame structure: invalid close codes (fuzzer initiated)
Case 7.9.1 Pass1002
Case 7.9.2 Pass1002
Case 7.9.3 Pass1002
Case 7.9.4 Pass1002
Case 7.9.5 Pass1002
Case 7.9.6 Pass1002
Case 7.9.7 Pass1002
Case 7.9.8 Pass1002
Case 7.9.9 Pass1002
7 Close Handling ws@8.17.0
7.13 Informational close information (fuzzer initiated)
Case 7.13.1 Info1002
Case 7.13.2 Info1002
9 Limits/Performance ws@8.17.0
9.1 Text Message (increasing size)
Case 9.1.1 Pass
3 ms
Case 9.1.2 Pass
6 ms
Case 9.1.3 Pass
88 ms
Case 9.1.4 Pass
52 ms
Case 9.1.5 Pass
131 ms
Case 9.1.6 Pass
236 ms
9 Limits/Performance ws@8.17.0
9.2 Binary Message (increasing size)
Case 9.2.1 Pass
3 ms
Case 9.2.2 Pass
5 ms
Case 9.2.3 Pass
12 ms
Case 9.2.4 Pass
41 ms
Case 9.2.5 Pass
118 ms
Case 9.2.6 Pass
213 ms
9 Limits/Performance ws@8.17.0
9.3 Fragmented Text Message (fixed size, increasing fragment size)
Case 9.3.1 Pass
153 ms
Case 9.3.2 Pass
97 ms
Case 9.3.3 Pass
43 ms
Case 9.3.4 Pass
40 ms
Case 9.3.5 Pass
37 ms
Case 9.3.6 Pass
47 ms
Case 9.3.7 Pass
37 ms
Case 9.3.8 Pass
36 ms
Case 9.3.9 Pass
34 ms
9 Limits/Performance ws@8.17.0
9.4 Fragmented Binary Message (fixed size, increasing fragment size)
Case 9.4.1 Pass
97 ms
Case 9.4.2 Pass
39 ms
Case 9.4.3 Pass
29 ms
Case 9.4.4 Pass
44 ms
Case 9.4.5 Pass
35 ms
Case 9.4.6 Pass
27 ms
Case 9.4.7 Pass
25 ms
Case 9.4.8 Pass
26 ms
Case 9.4.9 Pass
25 ms
9 Limits/Performance ws@8.17.0
9.5 Text Message (fixed size, increasing chop size)
Case 9.5.1 Pass
599 ms
Case 9.5.2 Pass
273 ms
Case 9.5.3 Pass
132 ms
Case 9.5.4 Pass
97 ms
Case 9.5.5 Pass
42 ms
Case 9.5.6 Pass
27 ms
9 Limits/Performance ws@8.17.0
9.6 Binary Text Message (fixed size, increasing chop size)
Case 9.6.1 Pass
471 ms
Case 9.6.2 Pass
232 ms
Case 9.6.3 Pass
125 ms
Case 9.6.4 Pass
66 ms
Case 9.6.5 Pass
39 ms
Case 9.6.6 Pass
24 ms
9 Limits/Performance ws@8.17.0
9.7 Text Message Roundtrip Time (fixed number, increasing size)
Case 9.7.1 Pass
500 ms
Case 9.7.2 Pass
373 ms
Case 9.7.3 Pass
320 ms
Case 9.7.4 Pass
385 ms
Case 9.7.5 Pass
331 ms
Case 9.7.6 Pass
400 ms
9 Limits/Performance ws@8.17.0
9.8 Binary Message Roundtrip Time (fixed number, increasing size)
Case 9.8.1 Pass
359 ms
Case 9.8.2 Pass
344 ms
Case 9.8.3 Pass
310 ms
Case 9.8.4 Pass
355 ms
Case 9.8.5 Pass
321 ms
Case 9.8.6 Pass
381 ms
10 Misc ws@8.17.0
10.1 Auto-Fragmentation
Case 10.1.1 Pass1000
12 WebSocket Compression (different payloads) ws@8.17.0
12.1 Large JSON data file (utf8, 194056 bytes)
Case 12.1.1 Pass
759 ms [0.292/0.292]
Case 12.1.2 Pass
686 ms [0.113/0.113]
Case 12.1.3 Pass
553 ms [0.067/0.067]
Case 12.1.4 Pass
590 ms [0.057/0.057]
Case 12.1.5 Pass
720 ms [0.048/0.048]
Case 12.1.6 Pass
773 ms [0.045/0.045]
Case 12.1.7 Pass
956 ms [0.044/0.044]
Case 12.1.8 Pass
1341 ms [0.044/0.044]
Case 12.1.9 Pass
2085 ms [0.044/0.044]
Case 12.1.10 Pass
3476 ms [0.043/0.043]
Case 12.1.11 Pass
890 ms [0.045/0.045]
Case 12.1.12 Pass
1078 ms [0.044/0.044]
Case 12.1.13 Pass
1478 ms [0.044/0.044]
Case 12.1.14 Pass
2370 ms [0.044/0.044]
Case 12.1.15 Pass
4037 ms [0.043/0.043]
Case 12.1.16 Pass
3679 ms [0.043/0.043]
Case 12.1.17 Pass
3425 ms [0.043/0.043]
Case 12.1.18 Pass
3380 ms [0.043/0.043]
12 WebSocket Compression (different payloads) ws@8.17.0
12.2 Lena Picture, Bitmap 512x512 bw (binary, 263222 bytes)
Case 12.2.1 Pass
499 ms [1.103/1.103]
Case 12.2.2 Pass
449 ms [0.996/0.996]
Case 12.2.3 Pass
576 ms [0.966/0.966]
Case 12.2.4 Pass
704 ms [0.909/0.909]
Case 12.2.5 Pass
989 ms [0.859/0.859]
Case 12.2.6 Pass
1360 ms [0.851/0.851]
Case 12.2.7 Pass
2168 ms [0.850/0.850]
Case 12.2.8 Pass
3813 ms [0.851/0.851]
Case 12.2.9 Pass
7022 ms [0.851/0.851]
Case 12.2.10 Pass
13366 ms [0.850/0.850]
Case 12.2.11 Pass
2336 ms [0.851/0.851]
Case 12.2.12 Pass
4041 ms [0.850/0.850]
Case 12.2.13 Pass
7161 ms [0.851/0.851]
Case 12.2.14 Pass
13656 ms [0.851/0.851]
Case 12.2.15 Pass
26702 ms [0.850/0.850]
Case 12.2.16 Pass
16675 ms [0.850/0.850]
Case 12.2.17 Pass
14229 ms [0.850/0.850]
Case 12.2.18 Pass
13504 ms [0.850/0.850]
12 WebSocket Compression (different payloads) ws@8.17.0
12.3 Human readable text, Goethe's Faust I (German) (binary, 222218 bytes)
Case 12.3.1 Pass
419 ms [0.727/0.727]
Case 12.3.2 Pass
440 ms [0.544/0.544]
Case 12.3.3 Pass
502 ms [0.482/0.482]
Case 12.3.4 Pass
634 ms [0.422/0.422]
Case 12.3.5 Pass
1101 ms [0.396/0.396]
Case 12.3.6 Pass
1705 ms [0.390/0.390]
Case 12.3.7 Pass
2994 ms [0.387/0.387]
Case 12.3.8 Pass
5344 ms [0.386/0.386]
Case 12.3.9 Pass
9867 ms [0.385/0.385]
Case 12.3.10 Pass
19150 ms [0.385/0.385]
Case 12.3.11 Pass
2241 ms [0.390/0.390]
Case 12.3.12 Pass
3823 ms [0.387/0.387]
Case 12.3.13 Pass
6980 ms [0.386/0.386]
Case 12.3.14 Pass
13220 ms [0.385/0.385]
Case 12.3.15 Pass
24976 ms [0.385/0.385]
Case 12.3.16 Pass
20907 ms [0.385/0.385]
Case 12.3.17 Pass
19466 ms [0.385/0.385]
Case 12.3.18 Pass
18992 ms [0.385/0.385]
12 WebSocket Compression (different payloads) ws@8.17.0
12.4 Large HTML file (utf8, 263527 bytes)
Case 12.4.1 Pass
742 ms [0.413/0.413]
Case 12.4.2 Pass
708 ms [0.148/0.148]
Case 12.4.3 Pass
694 ms [0.078/0.078]
Case 12.4.4 Pass
742 ms [0.066/0.066]
Case 12.4.5 Pass
840 ms [0.059/0.059]
Case 12.4.6 Pass
988 ms [0.056/0.056]
Case 12.4.7 Pass
1167 ms [0.055/0.055]
Case 12.4.8 Pass
1626 ms [0.054/0.054]
Case 12.4.9 Pass
2452 ms [0.055/0.055]
Case 12.4.10 Pass
4050 ms [0.055/0.055]
Case 12.4.11 Pass
1039 ms [0.056/0.056]
Case 12.4.12 Pass
1337 ms [0.055/0.055]
Case 12.4.13 Pass
1899 ms [0.054/0.054]
Case 12.4.14 Pass
2931 ms [0.055/0.055]
Case 12.4.15 Pass
4926 ms [0.055/0.055]
Case 12.4.16 Pass
4219 ms [0.055/0.055]
Case 12.4.17 Pass
4007 ms [0.055/0.055]
Case 12.4.18 Pass
3952 ms [0.055/0.055]
12 WebSocket Compression (different payloads) ws@8.17.0
12.5 A larger PDF (binary, 1042328 bytes)
Case 12.5.1 Pass
428 ms [1.084/1.084]
Case 12.5.2 Pass
441 ms [1.027/1.027]
Case 12.5.3 Pass
497 ms [0.973/0.973]
Case 12.5.4 Pass
585 ms [0.786/0.786]
Case 12.5.5 Pass
836 ms [0.777/0.777]
Case 12.5.6 Pass
1094 ms [0.768/0.768]
Case 12.5.7 Pass
1619 ms [0.763/0.763]
Case 12.5.8 Pass
2866 ms [0.761/0.761]
Case 12.5.9 Pass
5075 ms [0.759/0.759]
Case 12.5.10 Pass
9531 ms [0.759/0.759]
Case 12.5.11 Pass
1926 ms [0.768/0.768]
Case 12.5.12 Pass
3245 ms [0.763/0.763]
Case 12.5.13 Pass
5928 ms [0.761/0.761]
Case 12.5.14 Pass
11224 ms [0.759/0.759]
Case 12.5.15 Pass
22648 ms [0.759/0.759]
Case 12.5.16 Pass
12842 ms [0.759/0.759]
Case 12.5.17 Pass
10438 ms [0.759/0.759]
Case 12.5.18 Pass
9885 ms [0.759/0.759]
13 WebSocket Compression (different parameters) ws@8.17.0
13.1 Large JSON data file (utf8, 194056 bytes) - client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)] / server accept (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]
Case 13.1.1 Pass
554 ms [0.292/0.292]
Case 13.1.2 Pass
550 ms [0.113/0.113]
Case 13.1.3 Pass
557 ms [0.067/0.067]
Case 13.1.4 Pass
587 ms [0.057/0.057]
Case 13.1.5 Pass
686 ms [0.048/0.048]
Case 13.1.6 Pass
793 ms [0.045/0.045]
Case 13.1.7 Pass
988 ms [0.044/0.044]
Case 13.1.8 Pass
1322 ms [0.044/0.044]
Case 13.1.9 Pass
2086 ms [0.044/0.044]
Case 13.1.10 Pass
3491 ms [0.043/0.043]
Case 13.1.11 Pass
825 ms [0.045/0.045]
Case 13.1.12 Pass
1042 ms [0.044/0.044]
Case 13.1.13 Pass
1472 ms [0.044/0.044]
Case 13.1.14 Pass
2435 ms [0.044/0.044]
Case 13.1.15 Pass
4173 ms [0.043/0.043]
Case 13.1.16 Pass
3629 ms [0.043/0.043]
Case 13.1.17 Pass
3534 ms [0.043/0.043]
Case 13.1.18 Pass
3424 ms [0.043/0.043]
13 WebSocket Compression (different parameters) ws@8.17.0
13.2 Large JSON data file (utf8, 194056 bytes) - client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)] / server accept (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]
Case 13.2.1 Pass
551 ms [1.000/0.292]
Case 13.2.2 Pass
514 ms [1.000/0.113]
Case 13.2.3 Pass
581 ms [1.000/0.067]
Case 13.2.4 Pass
643 ms [0.170/0.057]
Case 13.2.5 Pass
712 ms [0.075/0.048]
Case 13.2.6 Pass
785 ms [0.059/0.045]
Case 13.2.7 Pass
955 ms [0.051/0.044]
Case 13.2.8 Pass
1278 ms [0.047/0.044]
Case 13.2.9 Pass
2045 ms [0.045/0.044]
Case 13.2.10 Pass
3472 ms [0.044/0.043]
Case 13.2.11 Pass
833 ms [0.059/0.045]
Case 13.2.12 Pass
1023 ms [0.051/0.044]
Case 13.2.13 Pass
1456 ms [0.047/0.044]
Case 13.2.14 Pass
2393 ms [0.045/0.044]
Case 13.2.15 Pass
4245 ms [0.044/0.043]
Case 13.2.16 Pass
3634 ms [0.044/0.043]
Case 13.2.17 Pass
3521 ms [0.044/0.043]
Case 13.2.18 Pass
3400 ms [0.044/0.043]
13 WebSocket Compression (different parameters) ws@8.17.0
13.3 Large JSON data file (utf8, 194056 bytes) - client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)] / server accept (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]
Case 13.3.1 Pass
561 ms [0.304/0.292]
Case 13.3.2 Pass
561 ms [0.125/0.113]
Case 13.3.3 Pass
582 ms [0.075/0.067]
Case 13.3.4 Pass
639 ms [0.060/0.057]
Case 13.3.5 Pass
826 ms [0.043/0.048]
Case 13.3.6 Pass
1042 ms [0.040/0.045]
Case 13.3.7 Pass
1487 ms [0.038/0.044]
Case 13.3.8 Pass
2445 ms [0.038/0.044]
Case 13.3.9 Pass
4242 ms [0.037/0.044]
Case 13.3.10 Pass
7446 ms [0.037/0.043]
Case 13.3.11 Pass
1090 ms [0.040/0.045]
Case 13.3.12 Pass
1578 ms [0.038/0.044]
Case 13.3.13 Pass
2605 ms [0.038/0.044]
Case 13.3.14 Pass
4512 ms [0.037/0.044]
Case 13.3.15 Pass
8200 ms [0.037/0.043]
Case 13.3.16 Pass
7873 ms [0.037/0.043]
Case 13.3.17 Pass
7602 ms [0.037/0.043]
Case 13.3.18 Pass
7584 ms [0.037/0.043]
13 WebSocket Compression (different parameters) ws@8.17.0
13.4 Large JSON data file (utf8, 194056 bytes) - client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)] / server accept (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]
Case 13.4.1 Pass
565 ms [0.292/0.292]
Case 13.4.2 Pass
568 ms [0.113/0.113]
Case 13.4.3 Pass
591 ms [0.067/0.067]
Case 13.4.4 Pass
613 ms [0.057/0.057]
Case 13.4.5 Pass
695 ms [0.048/0.048]
Case 13.4.6 Pass
814 ms [0.045/0.045]
Case 13.4.7 Pass
1005 ms [0.044/0.044]
Case 13.4.8 Pass
1339 ms [0.044/0.044]
Case 13.4.9 Pass
2102 ms [0.044/0.044]
Case 13.4.10 Pass
3510 ms [0.043/0.043]
Case 13.4.11 Pass
883 ms [0.045/0.045]
Case 13.4.12 Pass
1081 ms [0.044/0.044]
Case 13.4.13 Pass
1558 ms [0.044/0.044]
Case 13.4.14 Pass
2644 ms [0.044/0.044]
Case 13.4.15 Pass
4204 ms [0.043/0.043]
Case 13.4.16 Pass
3652 ms [0.043/0.043]
Case 13.4.17 Pass
3690 ms [0.043/0.043]
Case 13.4.18 Pass
3439 ms [0.043/0.043]
13 WebSocket Compression (different parameters) ws@8.17.0
13.5 Large JSON data file (utf8, 194056 bytes) - client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)] / server accept (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]
Case 13.5.1 Pass
519 ms [1.000/0.292]
Case 13.5.2 Pass
554 ms [1.000/0.113]
Case 13.5.3 Pass
531 ms [1.000/0.067]
Case 13.5.4 Pass
685 ms [0.170/0.057]
Case 13.5.5 Pass
833 ms [0.073/0.048]
Case 13.5.6 Pass
1053 ms [0.056/0.045]
Case 13.5.7 Pass
1496 ms [0.047/0.044]
Case 13.5.8 Pass
2558 ms [0.042/0.044]
Case 13.5.9 Pass
4280 ms [0.039/0.044]
Case 13.5.10 Pass
7564 ms [0.038/0.043]
Case 13.5.11 Pass
1101 ms [0.056/0.045]
Case 13.5.12 Pass
1590 ms [0.047/0.044]
Case 13.5.13 Pass
2628 ms [0.042/0.044]
Case 13.5.14 Pass
4521 ms [0.039/0.044]
Case 13.5.15 Pass
8284 ms [0.038/0.043]
Case 13.5.16 Pass
7944 ms [0.038/0.043]
Case 13.5.17 Pass
7601 ms [0.038/0.043]
Case 13.5.18 Pass
7457 ms [0.038/0.043]
13 WebSocket Compression (different parameters) ws@8.17.0
13.6 Large JSON data file (utf8, 194056 bytes) - client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)] / server accept (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]
Case 13.6.1 Pass
520 ms [1.000/0.292]
Case 13.6.2 Pass
531 ms [1.000/0.113]
Case 13.6.3 Pass
538 ms [1.000/0.067]
Case 13.6.4 Pass
643 ms [0.170/0.057]
Case 13.6.5 Pass
729 ms [0.075/0.048]
Case 13.6.6 Pass
799 ms [0.059/0.045]
Case 13.6.7 Pass
972 ms [0.051/0.044]
Case 13.6.8 Pass
1403 ms [0.047/0.044]
Case 13.6.9 Pass
2115 ms [0.045/0.044]
Case 13.6.10 Pass
3649 ms [0.044/0.043]
Case 13.6.11 Pass
868 ms [0.059/0.045]
Case 13.6.12 Pass
1036 ms [0.051/0.044]
Case 13.6.13 Pass
1486 ms [0.047/0.044]
Case 13.6.14 Pass
2548 ms [0.045/0.044]
Case 13.6.15 Pass
4188 ms [0.044/0.043]
Case 13.6.16 Pass
3747 ms [0.044/0.043]
Case 13.6.17 Pass
3479 ms [0.044/0.043]
Case 13.6.18 Pass
3582 ms [0.044/0.043]
13 WebSocket Compression (different parameters) ws@8.17.0
13.7 Large JSON data file (utf8, 194056 bytes) - client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)] / server accept (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]
Case 13.7.1 Pass
573 ms [1.000/0.292]
Case 13.7.2 Pass
553 ms [1.000/0.113]
Case 13.7.3 Pass
548 ms [1.000/0.067]
Case 13.7.4 Pass
694 ms [0.170/0.057]
Case 13.7.5 Pass
904 ms [0.073/0.048]
Case 13.7.6 Pass
1157 ms [0.056/0.045]
Case 13.7.7 Pass
1685 ms [0.047/0.044]
Case 13.7.8 Pass
2782 ms [0.042/0.044]
Case 13.7.9 Pass
4385 ms [0.039/0.044]
Case 13.7.10 Pass
8204 ms [0.038/0.043]
Case 13.7.11 Pass
1174 ms [0.056/0.045]
Case 13.7.12 Pass
1664 ms [0.047/0.044]
Case 13.7.13 Pass
2774 ms [0.042/0.044]
Case 13.7.14 Pass
4794 ms [0.039/0.044]
Case 13.7.15 Pass
8707 ms [0.038/0.043]
Case 13.7.16 Pass
8019 ms [0.038/0.043]
Case 13.7.17 Pass
8130 ms [0.038/0.043]
Case 13.7.18 Pass
8274 ms [0.038/0.043]

Case 1.1.1


Case Description

Send text message with payload 0.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with empty payload). Clean close with normal code.

Case 1.1.2


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 125.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent). Clean close with normal code.

Case 1.1.3


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 126.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent). Clean close with normal code.

Case 1.1.4


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 127.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent). Clean close with normal code.

Case 1.1.5


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 128.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent). Clean close with normal code.

Case 1.1.6


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 65535.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent). Clean close with normal code.

Case 1.1.7


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 65536.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent). Clean close with normal code.

Case 1.1.8


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 65536. Sent out data in chops of 997 octets.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent). Clean close with normal code.

Case 1.2.1


Case Description

Send binary message with payload 0.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with empty payload). Clean close with normal code.

Case 1.2.2


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 125.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent). Clean close with normal code.

Case 1.2.3


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 126.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent). Clean close with normal code.

Case 1.2.4


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 127.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent). Clean close with normal code.

Case 1.2.5


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 128.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent). Clean close with normal code.

Case 1.2.6


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 65535.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent). Clean close with normal code.

Case 1.2.7


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 65536.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent). Clean close with normal code.

Case 1.2.8


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 65536. Sent out data in chops of 997 octets.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent). Clean close with normal code.

Case 2.1


Case Description

Send ping without payload.

Case Expectation

Pong (with empty payload) is sent in reply to Ping. Clean close with normal code.

Case 2.2


Case Description

Send ping with small text payload.

Case Expectation

Pong with payload echo'ed is sent in reply to Ping. Clean close with normal code.

Case 2.3


Case Description

Send ping with small binary (non UTF-8) payload.

Case Expectation

Pong with payload echo'ed is sent in reply to Ping. Clean close with normal code.

Case 2.4


Case Description

Send ping with binary payload of 125 octets.

Case Expectation

Pong with payload echo'ed is sent in reply to Ping. Clean close with normal code.

Case 2.5


Case Description

Send ping with binary payload of 126 octets.

Case Expectation

Connection is failed immediately (1002/Protocol Error), since control frames are only allowed to have payload up to and including 125 octets..

Case 2.6


Case Description

Send ping with binary payload of 125 octets, send in octet-wise chops.

Case Expectation

Pong with payload echo'ed is sent in reply to Ping. Implementations must be TCP clean. Clean close with normal code.

Case 2.7


Case Description

Send unsolicited pong without payload. Verify nothing is received. Clean close with normal code.

Case Expectation


Case 2.8


Case Description

Send unsolicited pong with payload. Verify nothing is received. Clean close with normal code.

Case Expectation


Case 2.9


Case Description

Send unsolicited pong with payload. Send ping with payload. Verify pong for ping is received.

Case Expectation

Nothing in reply to own Pong, but Pong with payload echo'ed in reply to Ping. Clean close with normal code.

Case 2.10


Case Description

Send 10 Pings with payload.

Case Expectation

Pongs for our Pings with all the payloads. Note: This is not required by the Spec .. but we check for this behaviour anyway. Clean close with normal code.

Case 2.11


Case Description

Send 10 Pings with payload. Send out octets in octet-wise chops.

Case Expectation

Pongs for our Pings with all the payloads. Note: This is not required by the Spec .. but we check for this behaviour anyway. Clean close with normal code.

Case 3.1


Case Description

Send small text message with RSV = 1.

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately (1002/protocol error), since RSV must be 0, when no extension defining RSV meaning has been negotiated.

Case 3.2


Case Description

Send small text message, then send again with RSV = 2, then send Ping.

Case Expectation

Echo for first message is received, but then connection is failed immediately, since RSV must be 0, when no extension defining RSV meaning has been negotiated. The Pong is not received.

Case 3.3


Case Description

Send small text message, then send again with RSV = 3, then send Ping. Octets are sent in frame-wise chops. Octets are sent in octet-wise chops.

Case Expectation

Echo for first message is received, but then connection is failed immediately, since RSV must be 0, when no extension defining RSV meaning has been negotiated. The Pong is not received.

Case 3.4


Case Description

Send small text message, then send again with RSV = 4, then send Ping. Octets are sent in octet-wise chops.

Case Expectation

Echo for first message is received, but then connection is failed immediately, since RSV must be 0, when no extension defining RSV meaning has been negotiated. The Pong is not received.

Case 3.5


Case Description

Send small binary message with RSV = 5.

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since RSV must be 0.

Case 3.6


Case Description

Send Ping with RSV = 6.

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since RSV must be 0.

Case 3.7


Case Description

Send Close with RSV = 7.

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since RSV must be 0.

Case 4.1.1


Case Description

Send frame with reserved non-control Opcode = 3.

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately.

Case 4.1.2


Case Description

Send frame with reserved non-control Opcode = 4 and non-empty payload.

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately.

Case 4.1.3


Case Description

Send small text message, then send frame with reserved non-control Opcode = 5, then send Ping.

Case Expectation

Echo for first message is received, but then connection is failed immediately, since reserved opcode frame is used. A Pong is not received.

Case 4.1.4


Case Description

Send small text message, then send frame with reserved non-control Opcode = 6 and non-empty payload, then send Ping.

Case Expectation

Echo for first message is received, but then connection is failed immediately, since reserved opcode frame is used. A Pong is not received.

Case 4.1.5


Case Description

Send small text message, then send frame with reserved non-control Opcode = 7 and non-empty payload, then send Ping.

Case Expectation

Echo for first message is received, but then connection is failed immediately, since reserved opcode frame is used. A Pong is not received.

Case 4.2.1


Case Description

Send frame with reserved control Opcode = 11.

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately.

Case 4.2.2


Case Description

Send frame with reserved control Opcode = 12 and non-empty payload.

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately.

Case 4.2.3


Case Description

Send small text message, then send frame with reserved control Opcode = 13, then send Ping.

Case Expectation

Echo for first message is received, but then connection is failed immediately, since reserved opcode frame is used. A Pong is not received.

Case 4.2.4


Case Description

Send small text message, then send frame with reserved control Opcode = 14 and non-empty payload, then send Ping.

Case Expectation

Echo for first message is received, but then connection is failed immediately, since reserved opcode frame is used. A Pong is not received.

Case 4.2.5


Case Description

Send small text message, then send frame with reserved control Opcode = 15 and non-empty payload, then send Ping.

Case Expectation

Echo for first message is received, but then connection is failed immediately, since reserved opcode frame is used. A Pong is not received.

Case 5.1


Case Description

Send Ping fragmented into 2 fragments.

Case Expectation

Connection is failed immediately, since control message MUST NOT be fragmented.

Case 5.2


Case Description

Send Pong fragmented into 2 fragments.

Case Expectation

Connection is failed immediately, since control message MUST NOT be fragmented.

Case 5.3


Case Description

Send text Message fragmented into 2 fragments.

Case Expectation

Message is processed and echo'ed back to us.

Case 5.4


Case Description

Send text Message fragmented into 2 fragments, octets are sent in frame-wise chops.

Case Expectation

Message is processed and echo'ed back to us.

Case 5.5


Case Description

Send text Message fragmented into 2 fragments, octets are sent in octet-wise chops.

Case Expectation

Message is processed and echo'ed back to us.

Case 5.6


Case Description

Send text Message fragmented into 2 fragments, one ping with payload in-between.

Case Expectation

A pong is received, then the message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 5.7


Case Description

Send text Message fragmented into 2 fragments, one ping with payload in-between. Octets are sent in frame-wise chops.

Case Expectation

A pong is received, then the message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 5.8


Case Description

Send text Message fragmented into 2 fragments, one ping with payload in-between. Octets are sent in octet-wise chops.

Case Expectation

A pong is received, then the message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 5.9


Case Description

Send unfragmented Text Message after Continuation Frame with FIN = true, where there is nothing to continue, sent in one chop.

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since there is no message to continue.

Case 5.10


Case Description

Send unfragmented Text Message after Continuation Frame with FIN = true, where there is nothing to continue, sent in per-frame chops.

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since there is no message to continue.

Case 5.11


Case Description

Send unfragmented Text Message after Continuation Frame with FIN = true, where there is nothing to continue, sent in octet-wise chops.

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since there is no message to continue.

Case 5.12


Case Description

Send unfragmented Text Message after Continuation Frame with FIN = false, where there is nothing to continue, sent in one chop.

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since there is no message to continue.

Case 5.13


Case Description

Send unfragmented Text Message after Continuation Frame with FIN = false, where there is nothing to continue, sent in per-frame chops.

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since there is no message to continue.

Case 5.14


Case Description

Send unfragmented Text Message after Continuation Frame with FIN = false, where there is nothing to continue, sent in octet-wise chops.

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since there is no message to continue.

Case 5.15


Case Description

Send text Message fragmented into 2 fragments, then Continuation Frame with FIN = false where there is nothing to continue, then unfragmented Text Message, all sent in one chop.

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since there is no message to continue.

Case 5.16


Case Description

Repeated 2x: Continuation Frame with FIN = false (where there is nothing to continue), then text Message fragmented into 2 fragments.

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since there is no message to continue.

Case 5.17


Case Description

Repeated 2x: Continuation Frame with FIN = true (where there is nothing to continue), then text Message fragmented into 2 fragments.

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since there is no message to continue.

Case 5.18


Case Description

Send text Message fragmented into 2 fragments, with both frame opcodes set to text, sent in one chop.

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since all data frames after the initial data frame must have opcode 0.

Case 5.19


Case Description

A fragmented text message is sent in multiple frames. After sending the first 2 frames of the text message, a Ping is sent. Then we wait 1s, then we send 2 more text fragments, another Ping and then the final text fragment. Everything is legal.

Case Expectation

The peer immediately answers the first Ping before it has received the last text message fragment. The peer pong's back the Ping's payload exactly, and echo's the payload of the fragmented message back to us.

Case 5.20


Case Description

Same as Case 5.19, but send all frames with SYNC = True. Note, this does not change the octets sent in any way, only how the stream is chopped up on the wire.

Case Expectation

Same as Case 5.19. Implementations must be agnostic to how octet stream is chopped up on wire (must be TCP clean).

Case 6.1.1


Case Description

Send text message of length 0.

Case Expectation

A message is echo'ed back to us (with empty payload).

Case 6.1.2


Case Description

Send fragmented text message, 3 fragments each of length 0.

Case Expectation

A message is echo'ed back to us (with empty payload).

Case 6.1.3


Case Description

Send fragmented text message, 3 fragments, first and last of length 0, middle non-empty.

Case Expectation

A message is echo'ed back to us (with payload = payload of middle fragment).

Case 6.2.1


Case Description

Send a valid UTF-8 text message in one fragment.


Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.2.2


Case Description

Send a valid UTF-8 text message in two fragments, fragmented on UTF-8 code point boundary.



Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.2.3


Case Description

Send a valid UTF-8 text message in fragments of 1 octet, resulting in frames ending on positions which are not code point ends.


Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.2.4


Case Description

Send a valid UTF-8 text message in fragments of 1 octet, resulting in frames ending on positions which are not code point ends.


Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.3.1


Case Description

Send invalid UTF-8 text message unfragmented.


Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.3.2


Case Description

Send invalid UTF-8 text message in fragments of 1 octet, resulting in frames ending on positions which are not code point ends.


Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.4.1


Case Description

Send invalid UTF-8 text message in 3 fragments (frames). First frame payload is valid, then wait, then 2nd frame which contains the payload making the sequence invalid, then wait, then 3rd frame with rest. Note that PART1 and PART3 are valid UTF-8 in themselves, PART2 is a 0x110000 encoded as in the UTF-8 integer encoding scheme, but the codepoint is invalid (out of range).

PART1 = cebae1bdb9cf83cebcceb5
PART2 = f4908080
PART3 = 656469746564

Case Expectation

The first frame is accepted, we expect to timeout on the first wait. The 2nd frame should be rejected immediately (fail fast on UTF-8). If we timeout, we expect the connection is failed at least then, since the complete message payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.4.2


Case Description

Same as Case 6.4.1, but in 2nd frame, we send only up to and including the octet making the complete payload invalid.

PART1 = cebae1bdb9cf83cebcceb5f4
PART2 = 90
PART3 = 8080656469746564

Case Expectation

The first frame is accepted, we expect to timeout on the first wait. The 2nd frame should be rejected immediately (fail fast on UTF-8). If we timeout, we expect the connection is failed at least then, since the complete message payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.4.3


Case Description

Same as Case 6.4.1, but we send message not in 3 frames, but in 3 chops of the same message frame.

PART1 = cebae1bdb9cf83cebcceb5
PART2 = f4908080
PART3 = 656469746564

Case Expectation

The first chop is accepted, we expect to timeout on the first wait. The 2nd chop should be rejected immediately (fail fast on UTF-8). If we timeout, we expect the connection is failed at least then, since the complete message payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.4.4


Case Description

Same as Case 6.4.2, but we send message not in 3 frames, but in 3 chops of the same message frame.

PART1 = cebae1bdb9cf83cebcceb5f4
PART2 = 90

Case Expectation

The first chop is accepted, we expect to timeout on the first wait. The 2nd chop should be rejected immediately (fail fast on UTF-8). If we timeout, we expect the connection is failed at least then, since the complete message payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.5.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0x68656c6c6f24776f726c64

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.5.2


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0x68656c6c6fc2a2776f726c64

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.5.3


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0x68656c6c6fe282ac776f726c64

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.5.4


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0x68656c6c6ff0a4ada2776f726c64

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.5.5


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xcebae1bdb9cf83cebcceb5

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.6.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xce

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.6.2


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xceba

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.6.3


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xcebae1

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.6.4


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xcebae1bd

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.6.5


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xcebae1bdb9

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.6.6


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xcebae1bdb9cf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.6.7


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xcebae1bdb9cf83

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.6.8


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xcebae1bdb9cf83ce

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.6.9


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xcebae1bdb9cf83cebc

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.6.10


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xcebae1bdb9cf83cebcce

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.6.11


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xcebae1bdb9cf83cebcceb5

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.7.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0x00

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.7.2


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xc280

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.7.3


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xe0a080

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.7.4


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf0908080

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.8.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf888808080

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.8.2


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xfc8480808080

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.9.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0x7f

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.9.2


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xdfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.9.3


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xefbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.9.4


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf48fbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.10.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf7bfbfbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.10.2


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xfbbfbfbfbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.10.3


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xfdbfbfbfbfbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.11.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xed9fbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.11.2


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xee8080

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.11.3


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xefbfbd

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.11.4


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf48fbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.11.5


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf4908080

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.12.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0x80

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.12.2


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.12.3


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0x80bf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.12.4


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0x80bf80

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.12.5


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0x80bf80bf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.12.6


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0x80bf80bf80

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.12.7


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0x80bf80bf80bf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.12.8


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0x808182838485868788898a8b8c8d8e8f909192939495969798999a9b9c9d9e9fa0a1a2a3a4a5a6a7a8a9aaabacadaeafb0b1b2b3b4b5b6b7b8b9babbbcbdbe

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.13.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xc020c120c220c320c420c520c620c720c820c920ca20cb20cc20cd20ce20cf20d020d120d220d320d420d520d620d720d820d920da20db20dc20dd20de20

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.13.2


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xe020e120e220e320e420e520e620e720e820e920ea20eb20ec20ed20ee20

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.13.3


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf020f120f220f320f420f520f620

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.13.4


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf820f920fa20

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.13.5


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xfc20

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.14.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xc0

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.14.2


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xe080

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.14.3


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf08080

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.14.4


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf8808080

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.14.5


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xfc80808080

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.14.6


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xdf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.14.7


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xefbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.14.8


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf7bfbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.14.9


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xfbbfbfbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.14.10


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xfdbfbfbfbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.15.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xc0e080f08080f8808080fc80808080dfefbff7bfbffbbfbfbffdbfbfbfbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.16.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xfe

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.16.2


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xff

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.16.3


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xfefeffff

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.17.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xc0af

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.17.2


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xe080af

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.17.3


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf08080af

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.17.4


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf8808080af

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.17.5


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xfc80808080af

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.18.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xc1bf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.18.2


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xe09fbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.18.3


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf08fbfbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.18.4


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf887bfbfbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.18.5


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xfc83bfbfbfbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.19.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xc080

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.19.2


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xe08080

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.19.3


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf0808080

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.19.4


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf880808080

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.19.5


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xfc8080808080

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.20.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xeda080

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.20.2


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xedadbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.20.3


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xedae80

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.20.4


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xedafbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.20.5


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xedb080

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.20.6


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xedbe80

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.20.7


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xedbfbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.21.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xeda080edb080

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.21.2


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xeda080edbfbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.21.3


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xedadbfedb080

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.21.4


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xedadbfedbfbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.21.5


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xedae80edb080

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.21.6


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xedae80edbfbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.21.7


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xedafbfedb080

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.21.8


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is not valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xedafbfedbfbf

Case Expectation

The connection is failed immediately, since the payload is not valid UTF-8.

Case 6.22.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xefbfbe

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.2


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xefbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.3


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf09fbfbe

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.4


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf09fbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.5


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf0afbfbe

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.6


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf0afbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.7


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf0bfbfbe

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.8


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf0bfbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.9


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf18fbfbe

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.10


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf18fbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.11


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf19fbfbe

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.12


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf19fbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.13


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf1afbfbe

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.14


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf1afbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.15


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf1bfbfbe

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.16


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf1bfbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.17


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf28fbfbe

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.18


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf28fbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.19


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf29fbfbe

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.20


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf29fbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.21


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf2afbfbe

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.22


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf2afbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.23


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf2bfbfbe

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.24


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf2bfbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.25


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf38fbfbe

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.26


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf38fbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.27


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf39fbfbe

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.28


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf39fbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.29


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf3afbfbe

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.30


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf3afbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.31


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf3bfbfbe

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.32


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf3bfbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.33


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf48fbfbe

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.22.34


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xf48fbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.23.1


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xefbfb9

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.23.2


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xefbfba

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.23.3


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xefbfbb

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.23.4


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xefbfbc

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.23.5


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xefbfbd

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.23.6


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xefbfbe

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 6.23.7


Case Description

Send a text message with payload which is valid UTF-8 in one fragment.

Payload: 0xefbfbf

Case Expectation

The message is echo'ed back to us.

Case 7.1.1


Case Description

Send a message followed by a close frame

Case Expectation

Echoed message followed by clean close with normal code.

Case 7.1.2


Case Description

Send two close frames

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal code. Second close frame ignored.

Case 7.1.3


Case Description

Send a ping after close message

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal code, no pong.

Case 7.1.4


Case Description

Send text message after sending a close frame.

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal code. Text message ignored.

Case 7.1.5


Case Description

Send message fragment1 followed by close then fragment

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal code.

Case 7.1.6


Case Description

Send 256K message followed by close then a ping

Case Expectation

Case outcome depends on implementation defined close behavior. Message and close frame are sent back to back. If the close frame is processed before the text message write is complete (as can happen in asynchronous processing models) the close frame is processed first and the text message may not be received or may only be partially recieved.

Case 7.3.1


Case Description

Send a close frame with payload length 0 (no close code, no close reason)

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal code.

Case 7.3.2


Case Description

Send a close frame with payload length 1

Case Expectation

Clean close with protocol error or drop TCP.

Case 7.3.3


Case Description

Send a close frame with payload length 2 (regular close with a code)

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal code.

Case 7.3.4


Case Description

Send a close frame with close code and close reason

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal code.

Case 7.3.5


Case Description

Send a close frame with close code and close reason of maximum length (123)

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal code.

Case 7.3.6


Case Description

Send a close frame with close code and close reason which is too long (124) - total frame payload 126 octets

Case Expectation

Clean close with protocol error code or dropped TCP connection.

Case 7.5.1


Case Description

Send a close frame with invalid UTF8 payload

Case Expectation

Clean close with protocol error or invalid utf8 code or dropped TCP.

Case 7.7.1


Case Description

Send close with valid close code 1000

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal or echoed code

Case 7.7.2


Case Description

Send close with valid close code 1001

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal or echoed code

Case 7.7.3


Case Description

Send close with valid close code 1002

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal or echoed code

Case 7.7.4


Case Description

Send close with valid close code 1003

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal or echoed code

Case 7.7.5


Case Description

Send close with valid close code 1007

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal or echoed code

Case 7.7.6


Case Description

Send close with valid close code 1008

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal or echoed code

Case 7.7.7


Case Description

Send close with valid close code 1009

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal or echoed code

Case 7.7.8


Case Description

Send close with valid close code 1010

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal or echoed code

Case 7.7.9


Case Description

Send close with valid close code 1011

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal or echoed code

Case 7.7.10


Case Description

Send close with valid close code 3000

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal or echoed code

Case 7.7.11


Case Description

Send close with valid close code 3999

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal or echoed code

Case 7.7.12


Case Description

Send close with valid close code 4000

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal or echoed code

Case 7.7.13


Case Description

Send close with valid close code 4999

Case Expectation

Clean close with normal or echoed code

Case 7.9.1


Case Description

Send close with invalid close code 0

Case Expectation

Clean close with protocol error code or drop TCP

Case 7.9.2


Case Description

Send close with invalid close code 999

Case Expectation

Clean close with protocol error code or drop TCP

Case 7.9.3


Case Description

Send close with invalid close code 1004

Case Expectation

Clean close with protocol error code or drop TCP

Case 7.9.4


Case Description

Send close with invalid close code 1005

Case Expectation

Clean close with protocol error code or drop TCP

Case 7.9.5


Case Description

Send close with invalid close code 1006

Case Expectation

Clean close with protocol error code or drop TCP

Case 7.9.6


Case Description

Send close with invalid close code 1016

Case Expectation

Clean close with protocol error code or drop TCP

Case 7.9.7


Case Description

Send close with invalid close code 1100

Case Expectation

Clean close with protocol error code or drop TCP

Case 7.9.8


Case Description

Send close with invalid close code 2000

Case Expectation

Clean close with protocol error code or drop TCP

Case 7.9.9


Case Description

Send close with invalid close code 2999

Case Expectation

Clean close with protocol error code or drop TCP

Case 7.13.1


Case Description

Send close with close code 5000

Case Expectation

Actual events are undefined by the spec.

Case 7.13.2


Case Description

Send close with close code 65536

Case Expectation

Actual events are undefined by the spec.

Case 9.1.1


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 64 * 2**10 (64k).

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.1.2


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 256 * 2**10 (256k).

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.1.3


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 1 * 2**20 (1M).

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.1.4


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M).

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.1.5


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 8 * 2**20 (8M).

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.1.6


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 16 * 2**20 (16M).

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.2.1


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 64 * 2**10 (64k).

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.2.2


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 256 * 2**10 (256k).

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.2.3


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 1 * 2**20 (1M).

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.2.4


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M).

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.2.5


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 8 * 2**20 (16M).

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.2.6


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 16 * 2**20 (16M).

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.3.1


Case Description

Send fragmented text message message with message payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M). Sent out in fragments of 64.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.3.2


Case Description

Send fragmented text message message with message payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M). Sent out in fragments of 256.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.3.3


Case Description

Send fragmented text message message with message payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M). Sent out in fragments of 1k.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.3.4


Case Description

Send fragmented text message message with message payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M). Sent out in fragments of 4k.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.3.5


Case Description

Send fragmented text message message with message payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M). Sent out in fragments of 16k.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.3.6


Case Description

Send fragmented text message message with message payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M). Sent out in fragments of 64k.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.3.7


Case Description

Send fragmented text message message with message payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M). Sent out in fragments of 256k.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.3.8


Case Description

Send fragmented text message message with message payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M). Sent out in fragments of 1M.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.3.9


Case Description

Send fragmented text message message with message payload of length 4 * 2**20 (8M). Sent out in fragments of 4M.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.4.1


Case Description

Send fragmented binary message message with message payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M). Sent out in fragments of 64.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.4.2


Case Description

Send fragmented binary message message with message payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M). Sent out in fragments of 256.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.4.3


Case Description

Send fragmented binary message message with message payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M). Sent out in fragments of 1k.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.4.4


Case Description

Send fragmented binary message message with message payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M). Sent out in fragments of 4k.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.4.5


Case Description

Send fragmented binary message message with message payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M). Sent out in fragments of 16k.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.4.6


Case Description

Send fragmented binary message message with message payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M). Sent out in fragments of 64k.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.4.7


Case Description

Send fragmented binary message message with message payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M). Sent out in fragments of 256k.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.4.8


Case Description

Send fragmented binary message message with message payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M). Sent out in fragments of 1M.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.4.9


Case Description

Send fragmented binary message message with message payload of length 4 * 2**20 (4M). Sent out in fragments of 4M.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.5.1


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 1 * 2**20 (1M). Sent out data in chops of 64 octets.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.5.2


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 1 * 2**20 (1M). Sent out data in chops of 128 octets.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.5.3


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 1 * 2**20 (1M). Sent out data in chops of 256 octets.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.5.4


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 1 * 2**20 (1M). Sent out data in chops of 512 octets.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.5.5


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 1 * 2**20 (1M). Sent out data in chops of 1024 octets.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.5.6


Case Description

Send text message message with payload of length 1 * 2**20 (1M). Sent out data in chops of 2048 octets.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.6.1


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 1 * 2**20 (1M). Sent out data in chops of 64 octets.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.6.2


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 1 * 2**20 (1M). Sent out data in chops of 128 octets.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.6.3


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 1 * 2**20 (1M). Sent out data in chops of 256 octets.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.6.4


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 1 * 2**20 (1M). Sent out data in chops of 512 octets.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.6.5


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 1 * 2**20 (1M). Sent out data in chops of 1024 octets.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.6.6


Case Description

Send binary message message with payload of length 1 * 2**20 (1M). Sent out data in chops of 2048 octets.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent).

Case 9.7.1


Case Description

Send 1000 text messages of payload size 0 to measure implementation/network RTT (round trip time) / latency.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 9.7.2


Case Description

Send 1000 text messages of payload size 16 to measure implementation/network RTT (round trip time) / latency.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 9.7.3


Case Description

Send 1000 text messages of payload size 64 to measure implementation/network RTT (round trip time) / latency.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 9.7.4


Case Description

Send 1000 text messages of payload size 256 to measure implementation/network RTT (round trip time) / latency.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 120 secs.

Case 9.7.5


Case Description

Send 1000 text messages of payload size 1024 to measure implementation/network RTT (round trip time) / latency.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 240 secs.

Case 9.7.6


Case Description

Send 1000 text messages of payload size 4096 to measure implementation/network RTT (round trip time) / latency.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 9.8.1


Case Description

Send 1000 binary messages of payload size 0 to measure implementation/network RTT (round trip time) / latency.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 9.8.2


Case Description

Send 1000 binary messages of payload size 16 to measure implementation/network RTT (round trip time) / latency.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 9.8.3


Case Description

Send 1000 binary messages of payload size 64 to measure implementation/network RTT (round trip time) / latency.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 9.8.4


Case Description

Send 1000 binary messages of payload size 256 to measure implementation/network RTT (round trip time) / latency.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 120 secs.

Case 9.8.5


Case Description

Send 1000 binary messages of payload size 1024 to measure implementation/network RTT (round trip time) / latency.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 240 secs.

Case 9.8.6


Case Description

Send 1000 binary messages of payload size 4096 to measure implementation/network RTT (round trip time) / latency.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed binary messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 10.1.1


Case Description

Send text message with payload of length 65536 auto-fragmented with autoFragmentSize = 1300.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed text message (with payload as sent and transmitted frame counts as expected). Clean close with normal code.

Case 12.1.1


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 12.1.2


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 64, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 12.1.3


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 256, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 120 secs.

Case 12.1.4


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 1024, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 240 secs.

Case 12.1.5


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 4096, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.1.6


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.1.7


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.1.8


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.1.9


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.1.10


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.1.11


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.1.12


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.1.13


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.1.14


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.1.15


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.1.16


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 1024 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.1.17


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 4096 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.1.18


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 32768 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.2.1


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 12.2.2


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 64, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 12.2.3


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 256, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 120 secs.

Case 12.2.4


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 1024, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 240 secs.

Case 12.2.5


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 4096, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.2.6


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.2.7


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.2.8


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.2.9


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.2.10


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.2.11


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.2.12


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.2.13


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.2.14


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.2.15


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.2.16


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 1024 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.2.17


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 4096 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.2.18


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 32768 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.3.1


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 12.3.2


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 64, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 12.3.3


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 256, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 120 secs.

Case 12.3.4


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 1024, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 240 secs.

Case 12.3.5


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 4096, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.3.6


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.3.7


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.3.8


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.3.9


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.3.10


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.3.11


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.3.12


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.3.13


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.3.14


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.3.15


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.3.16


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 1024 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.3.17


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 4096 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.3.18


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 32768 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.4.1


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 12.4.2


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 64, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 12.4.3


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 256, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 120 secs.

Case 12.4.4


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 1024, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 240 secs.

Case 12.4.5


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 4096, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.4.6


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.4.7


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.4.8


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.4.9


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.4.10


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.4.11


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.4.12


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.4.13


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.4.14


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.4.15


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.4.16


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 1024 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.4.17


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 4096 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.4.18


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 32768 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.5.1


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 12.5.2


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 64, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 12.5.3


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 256, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 120 secs.

Case 12.5.4


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 1024, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 240 secs.

Case 12.5.5


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 4096, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.5.6


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.5.7


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.5.8


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.5.9


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.5.10


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.5.11


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.5.12


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.5.13


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.5.14


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.5.15


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.5.16


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 1024 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.5.17


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 4096 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 12.5.18


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 32768 octets. Use default permessage-deflate offer.

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.1.1


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 13.1.2


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 64, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 13.1.3


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 256, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 120 secs.

Case 13.1.4


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 1024, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 240 secs.

Case 13.1.5


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 4096, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.1.6


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.1.7


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.1.8


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.1.9


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.1.10


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.1.11


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.1.12


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.1.13


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.1.14


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.1.15


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.1.16


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 1024 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.1.17


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 4096 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.1.18


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 32768 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.2.1


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 13.2.2


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 64, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 13.2.3


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 256, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 120 secs.

Case 13.2.4


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 1024, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 240 secs.

Case 13.2.5


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 4096, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.2.6


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.2.7


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.2.8


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.2.9


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.2.10


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.2.11


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.2.12


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.2.13


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.2.14


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.2.15


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.2.16


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 1024 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.2.17


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 4096 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.2.18


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 32768 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.3.1


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 13.3.2


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 64, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 13.3.3


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 256, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 120 secs.

Case 13.3.4


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 1024, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 240 secs.

Case 13.3.5


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 4096, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.3.6


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.3.7


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.3.8


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.3.9


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.3.10


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.3.11


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.3.12


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.3.13


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.3.14


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.3.15


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.3.16


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 1024 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.3.17


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 4096 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.3.18


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 32768 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.4.1


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 13.4.2


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 64, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 13.4.3


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 256, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 120 secs.

Case 13.4.4


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 1024, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 240 secs.

Case 13.4.5


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 4096, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.4.6


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.4.7


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.4.8


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.4.9


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.4.10


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.4.11


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.4.12


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.4.13


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.4.14


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.4.15


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.4.16


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 1024 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.4.17


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 4096 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.4.18


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 32768 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(False, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.5.1


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 13.5.2


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 64, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 13.5.3


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 256, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 120 secs.

Case 13.5.4


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 1024, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 240 secs.

Case 13.5.5


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 4096, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.5.6


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.5.7


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.5.8


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.5.9


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.5.10


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.5.11


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.5.12


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.5.13


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.5.14


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.5.15


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.5.16


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 1024 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.5.17


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 4096 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.5.18


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 32768 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.6.1


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 13.6.2


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 64, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 13.6.3


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 256, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 120 secs.

Case 13.6.4


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 1024, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 240 secs.

Case 13.6.5


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 4096, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.6.6


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.6.7


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.6.8


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.6.9


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.6.10


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.6.11


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.6.12


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.6.13


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.6.14


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.6.15


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.6.16


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 1024 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.6.17


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 4096 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.6.18


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 32768 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 15)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.7.1


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 13.7.2


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 64, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 60 secs.

Case 13.7.3


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 256, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 120 secs.

Case 13.7.4


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 1024, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 240 secs.

Case 13.7.5


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 4096, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.7.6


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.7.7


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.7.8


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.7.9


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.7.10


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 0 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.7.11


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 8192, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.7.12


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 16384, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.7.13


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 32768, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.7.14


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 65536, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.7.15


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 256 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.7.16


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 1024 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.7.17


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 4096 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.

Case 13.7.18


Case Description

Send 1000 compressed messages each of payload size 131072, auto-fragment to 32768 octets. Use permessage-deflate client offers (requestNoContextTakeover, requestMaxWindowBits): [(True, 9), (True, 0), (False, 0)]

Case Expectation

Receive echo'ed messages (with payload as sent). Timeout case after 480 secs.